• Pristine spring like taste and quality.
  • Clarifies cloudy water
  • Very small toxins become easy to filter
  • Upgrade your existing basic portable water filter.
  • Eliminates/reduces hundreds of known fresh water toxins.
  • Great for short and long term drinking water preparation.
  • Safe for children, pets, and long term drinking water use.
  • Ideal for travel, outdoor adventures, and every day use.
  • 100% non-toxic & eco-friendly.
  • Easy-to-Use
    Made in the USA.


PURINIZE® was the only water purifier approved by the Big Bend National Park Service to treat the highly contaminated Rio Grande River for a 7-day, 100+ mile Stand-Up-Paddle trip.

"I've been getting a lot of questions on how we managed to treat water along the trip considering how polluted it is with pesticides, livestock run-off, and heavy metals that a regular filter cannot extract. Our secret was a product called PURINIZE. This product was our ace in the hole because if we wouldn't have had it 1. we obviously wouldn't have had good water and 2. the Park services wouldn't have approved our permits. And that my friends, is how we stayed hydrated for seven days on the Rio Grande #StandOnTheRioGrande." - Sam M. / SA Adventure Sports