Easily turn your water filter into a super water filter with PURINIZE
Why Purinize®?
Many toxic contaminants go right through most in-home, portable, and gravity-fed water filters because they are very small in size and very difficult to get rid of. Even leading brands have difficulties in getting rid of many of these contaminants. Now with all natural PURINIZE, a 1-micron paper filter can be easily transformed into a powerhouse water purifying filter that helps remove and reduce hundreds of these known toxins.
How it works?
When you pretreat water with PURINIZE it will strip, neutralize, and force hundreds of small contaminants out of solution. Making pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and many other harmful chemicals very easy to filter out of any fresh water. This gives the ability for almost any water filter to become a super water filter.
Performance and results!
Due to its ability, PURINIZE was the only water purifier approved by the Big Bend National Park Service to be used to treat the Rio Grande River, to make the record-setting, award nominated #StandOnTheRioGrande SUP trip possible!
"I've been getting a lot of questions on how we managed to filter water along the trip considering how polluted it is with pesticides, livestock run-off and heavy metals that a regular filter cannot extract. Our secret was a product called PURINIZE."
"This product was our ace in the hole because if we wouldn't of had it 1 we obviously wouldn't of had good water and 2 the Park services wouldn't have approved our permits. And that my friends, is how we stayed hydrated for seven days on the Rio Grande #StandOnTheRioGrande" @saadventuresports
"Of the different water purification systems that we had this was the only one that was cleared to support us on our trip. I stand by PURINIZE as we NEEDED clean water. Out there, in the middle of nowhere you can't afford to get really sick, so we went with the best. I never got sick from the water. Not even a stomach ache. I was able to enjoy every second of the journey thanks to these guys! Two thumbs waaaaay up!" - @docqtrip
Be safe. Be Prepared. Always pretreat with PURINIZE